Last Updated on June 2023



This Refund Policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for the return and refund of products or services facilitated by BookDoc.

  1. BookDoc is solely responsible for facilitating the delivery of products or services that are directly provided by BookDoc, such as digital products or services offered directly by BookDoc and is not responsible for facilitating returns or refunds, as these processes are determined by the individual sellers.

  2. For products or services provided by third-party sellers on the BookDoc platform, BookDoc acts solely as a facilitator and is not responsible for the delivery, quality, or any issues related to those products or services.

  3. BookDoc does not assume liability for any loss, damage, or dissatisfaction arising from products or services provided by third-party sellers. Any disputes or concerns should be addressed directly with the respective sellers.

  4. Sellers should clearly communicate their return and refund policies to buyers, including any specific procedures or conditions for returning products or requesting refunds.

  5. Buyers should refer to the respective seller’s return and refund policy for information on eligibility, timelines, and any associated costs or requirements.



BookDoc reserves the right to update or modify this Refund Policy at its discretion. Any changes will be communicated through the BookDoc platform or other official channels.