Jun32016News CoverageDato’ Chevy Beh, the founder of BookDoc shares his startup journey in Indonesia with SinarMas, one of the largest conglomerate in Indonesia, which is also one of the largest land bank owner in the world. Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:BookDoc featured on Deal Street AsiaNextNext post:BookDoc founder nominated as Malaysia’s Top 10 Most Innovative Young Leaders Award 2016Related PostsActiv@Work 2023 Challenge Is BackOctober 17, 2023Nestlé Omega Plus 30-Day ChallengeOctober 17, 2023Bookdoc aims to invest RM4 million in 2023 to meet rising demand for healthcareJuly 24, 2022BookDoc partnered with the National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) and launched a Charity Virtual RunJuly 1, 2022‘Gift of Love campaign kicks off to provide free heart health checksMay 20, 2022ENHANCING THE COVID-19 RESPONSE WITH BOOKDOCApril 1, 2022
BookDoc partnered with the National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) and launched a Charity Virtual RunJuly 1, 2022