From Awareness to Action: Get Professional Help for Erectile Dysfunction - BookDoc

From Awareness to Action: Get Professional Help for Erectile Dysfunction

What is Erectile Dysfunction? Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is defined as the persistent inability of a man to attain and maintain an erection sufficient to permit satisfactory sexual performance.1 ED can affect men of all ages but becomes increasingly prevalent with age2. The condition can be caused by a variety of modifiable lifestyle factors, such as…

A Call to Arms: Ending Hepatitis Begins with Us | World Hepatitis Day | BookDoc

A Call to Arms: Ending Hepatitis Begins with Us

Every 30 seconds, a person dies from a hepatitis-related illness, highlighting the urgent need for better prevention, diagnosis, and treatment strategies. Hepatitis, characterized by inflammation of the liver, can severely affect liver function and has a devastating impact on millions of lives worldwide. Each year, on July 28th, the global community observes World Hepatitis Day…

Be a helping hand | Active Festivity: Propelling Your Fitness During Raya | BookDoc

Active Festivity: Propelling Your Fitness During Raya

As Muslims worldwide look forward to the joyous Hari Raya month following Ramadan, it’s a time of reunion and celebration with loved ones. Beyond feasting, it presents an opportunity to strengthen familial bonds through active festivities. Families can infuse the festivities with health and vitality by helping prepare, engaging in lively games, planning outdoor activities, and tracking daily steps, ensuring a truly fulfilling and memorable Hari Raya celebration.

free health screening | corporate wellness programs | BookDoc

Empowering Employees: BookDoc’s Free Corporate Health Screening

In today’s fast-paced corporate environment, the well-being of employees is paramount for the success and sustainability of any organization. Recognizing the significance of employee health, an increasing number of companies are turning to corporate health screening programs as a proactive approach to ensure the physical and mental well-being of their workforce. This article explores the…

Digital healthcare bundle | BookDoc x Celcomdigi | Telehealth in Malaysia BookDoc

CelcomDigi partners with BookDoc in Launching Digital Healthcare Bundle

      In a groundbreaking collaboration, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with CelcomDigi in the realm of digital healthcare. This innovative venture has been made possible through the unwavering support of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), signaling a pivotal moment in our commitment as…